Program Description
The Graduate Program in Neuroscience is interdepartmental, administered under the umbrella of the Department of Neurobiology. Participating faculty have primary appointments in fourteen departments, with the largest concentration of faculty coming from the Departments of Neurobiology and Neurology. The Program in Neuroscience offers a highly collaborative graduate experience with outstanding faculty. The 70 Program-affiliated faculty members have diverse interests that include cellular and molecular mechanisms of circuit development and plasticity, circuits underlying addiction and sleep, neurodevelopmental disorders, mechanisms of neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation and repair (ALS, AD, ASD, HD, MS), genetic, circuit and neurochemical influences on behavior, and novel therapeutic approaches (e.g., gene therapy, oligonucleotides and CRISPR). Stipend support is at least $35,600 per year (AY22-23). All students are appointed as Research Assistants. All students receive a one-time transition bonus of at least $1,500, full tuition and fee waiver and are provided with health and dental insurance.
Admission is via the umbrella PhD program in Basic Biomedical Sciences. The degree awarded is a PhD in Biomedical Sciences. Fall Year 1 is a shared Core Curriculum and rotations, then specialization and rotations in the Spring. Students select their Thesis Advisor and program by the end of year 1. UMMS has a world-class Center for Biomedical Career Development with exploration of a variety of career pathways as part of the curriculum.