Received his B.Sc. in Biology (2010), his MSc (2012) and PhD (2016) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He further conducted postdoctoral training at the same university. Currently is an Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Current member of the Brazillian Networkf of Science for Education. He's research experiences and interests are: (1) neuroscience applied to teaching and learning; and (2) neurobiology of manual behaviors and tool use. For this research, he uses a multidisciplinary approach with electrophysiology, anatomy and behavioral testing techniques, in human and non-human primates models (marmosets and capuchin monkeys). In addition, he also develops scientific popularization activities, with focus on text materials for websites and social media, and videos and live streams on YouTube. He is currently supervising two PhD, three MSc, and two undergrad students.