Joanne E Berger-Sweeney

Joanne E Berger-Sweeney, PhD, MPH, BA


President Trinity College

HARTFORD, Connecticut United States



Currently I am the president of Trinity College in CT, a highly selective liberal arts college in a urban capital. Previously, I was dean of school of arts and sciences at Tufts University and a professor in biology. Before that, I spent 19 years at as a teacher/scholar and administrator at Wellesley College, a liberal arts college for women.

SfN Service History

CommitteeTitleMember Status
Trainee Professional Development Awards Selection CommitteeChairpersonPast
Social Issues CommitteeMemberPast
Scientific Publications CommitteeEx OfficioPast
Professional Development Working GroupChairpersonPast
Professional Development Committee Incoming ChairPast
Professional Development Committee ChairpersonPast
Nominating CommitteeMemberPast
NGA/SEA Selection CommitteeChairpersonPast
Investment CommitteeMemberCurrent
Investment CommitteeEx OfficioPast
International Travel Awards Selection CommitteeChairpersonPast
Gruber Foundation Neuroscience Prize Selection CommitteeMemberCurrent
Finance CommitteeIncoming ChairPast
Finance CommitteeChairpersonPast
Finance CommitteeEx OfficioPast
CouncilTreasurer ElectPast
CouncilPast TreasurerPast
Committee on CommitteesMemberPast
Audit CommitteeEx OfficioPast