Ellen A. Lumpkin

Ellen A. Lumpkin, PhD


Regular Professor of Molecular & Cell Biology UC Berkeley

Berkeley, CA US


The somatosensory system constantly updates the brain about the forces, temperatures and chemicals that bombard the body. The goal of our research is to discover molecular mechanisms that encode these diverse environmental stimuli into neural signals. Our primary focus is to elucidate force transduction mechanisms that initiate the senses of touch and pain. Although Aristotle designated it as one of five basic senses, touch is a complex sense that encompasses numerous modalities, such as pressure, hair movements and vibration. Correspondingly, the touch-sensitive neurons that tile the body's surface display a remarkable array of force sensitivities, neural outputs and cellular morphologies. Although forward genetic screens have identified numerous essential molecules in invertebrate mechanosensory neurons, we are only now beginning to uncover molecular players that govern the unique functions of mammalian touch receptors. We have developed in vitro and in vivo tools to discover the basis of sensory transduction in a light touch receptor, the Merkel cell-neurite complex. These touch receptors innervate highly sensitive areas such as fingertips, where they encode spatial features of objects. We use neurophysiological techniques to directly observe how individual, living touch receptors respond to force. We also use molecular approaches and mouse genetics to identify molecules that allow mechanoreceptor cells to sense force.
Neuroscience Sub-Discipline
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Developmental Neuroscience
Excitable Membranes and Ion Channels
Sensory Systems Neuroscience
Cell Culture
Electrophysiology (channels)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Genetic Models and Techniques
Histochemistry and Tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular Approaches
Optical methods
Species: Vertebrate

SfN Service History

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Program CommitteeChairpersonPast
Program CommitteeIncoming ChairPast
Program CommitteePast ChairPast
Program CommitteeMemberPast
Neuroscience Meeting Software Test GroupMemberPast
Annual Meeting Virtual Planning Working GroupMemberPast