Kenneth I Maynard

Kenneth I Maynard, PhD


Regular Director, Global Program Team Effectiveness and Global Program Leader Excellence Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Holbrook, MA US


Dr. Kenneth I. Maynard is a Global Program Leader in the CNS Therapeutic Area Unit at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc., responsible for leading multifunctional teams in the clinical development of drugs to treat diseases of the central nervous system.

He was formerly Global Head of External Innovation in the Therapeutic Strategic Unit, Aging at Sanofi (2010-2014).  Prior to this position, he spent 5 years as a Project Director (2005-2009) responsible for leading multifunctional teams in the clinical development of central nervous system (CNS) compounds and 5 years in CNS drug discovery research as Principal Scientist and Section Head for Cerebrovascular Disorders (2000–2004) at Sanofi-Aventis (formerly Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.).

Prior to joining the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Maynard was Assistant Professor in Surgery (Neurosurgery) at Harvard Medical School and Assistant Neuroscientist in the Neurosurgical Service, at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr. Maynard holds B.Sc., (Human Sciences with Neuroscience) M.Sc. (Neurological Science) and Ph.D (Neurobiology) degrees from University College, London, U.K.  He serves in leadership roles as an elected Fellow of the American Heart Association (F.A.H.A.) and the Society for Neuroscience. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the International Dose-Response Society.

He has authored more than 45 scientific publications and serves on the editorial committees of  Current Neurobiology, Recent Patent Reviews on CNS Drug Discovery and ISRN Vascular Medicine.

Neuroscience Sub-Discipline
Disorders of the Nervous System
Neuropharmacology and Neurochemistry
Neuroregeneration and Repair
Neuroscience of Aging
Histochemistry and Tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
In vivo Monitoring
Species: Vertebrate
Therapeutic Techniques

Awards & Fellowships

Award NameAward Participant StatusEnd Date
NSP FellowsFellow7/1/1996

SfN Service History

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Working Group on SfN Individual MembershipMemberPast
Working Group On Scientific TrainingMemberPast
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Scientific Publications CommitteeEx OfficioPast
Professional Development Committee ChairpersonPast
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Finance CommitteeEx OfficioPast
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