I am a California native educated at Stanford (BS, 1987) and UCLA (PhD Neuroscience 1995). I did my postdoctoral studies with Dr. Carol Barnes and Bruce McNaughton in Arizona, then moved to Washington State University for my first faculty appointment. There I received my first NIH RO1 grant to study the relationships between REM sleep and memory – a grant that continues to this day. There I also served as the Director of the new undergraduate Neuroscience major, and taught Systems Neurophysiology. In 2001 I moved to the University of Michigan and joined the department of Anesthesiology with a joint appointment in Molecular and Integrative Physiology and joined the Neuroscience Interdepartmental graduate program. I earned tenure there in 2007, and graduated two successful PhD Neuroscientists: Theresa Bjorness and Christine Walsh, also mentoring 4 postdoctoral scholars and dozens of talented undergraduate students while pursuing the research goals of understanding the memory consolidation function of sleep and its physiological underpinnings. In 2016 I moved to a full Professor position back at my alma mater, UCLA, where I continue my sleep and memory research with 6 outstanding graduate students: Michelle Frazer, Yesenia Cabrera, Rockelle Guthrie, Ward Pettibone, Shantee Ayala Rosario, and Tania Lugo as well as creative, enthusiastic undergraduate assistants, a lab amnager Jenna Ure, and postdoctoral scholar Paul Marchal. INternationally I help run the BlueSpot SLACK channel with 360 members interested in the locus coeruleus for discussions of techniques, functions, and cutting edge research results with 34 seminars posted on YouTube. Email me or David Weinshenker at Emory if you are interested in the locus coeruleus for access to the SLACK channel and the unpublished seminars. Nationally, I am on the Counci of the NINDS, I direct the Marine Biological Laboratory course called SPINES, and co-Direct the Society for Neuroscience’s Neuroscience Scholar’s Program. I am a longstanding member of the Sleep Research Society and the Society for Neuroscience, serving elected and appointed positions in both societies. I have served as a member of the NIH study section: IFCN-3, Learning and Memory and ad-hoc on several other review panels. At UCLA am director of the COMPASS – Life Sciences program and the Brain Research Institute’s Sumer Undergraduate Research Program and co-direct the MARC program and teach in a Sleep course and a Neuroscience of Bias and Discrimination course. I am serving as the Eleanor leslie Chair of Innovative Brain Research at the Brain Research Institute at UCLA.
This career and my family keep me fulfilled. The mentoring and science I get to do incredibly rewarding.